EU Project Funding Window
Europe for Citizens: Action 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe, Measure 3 – Support for projects initiated by Civil Society Organisations, Deadline: 01/02/2012
Specific features
This measure supports concrete projects initiated by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) established in participating countries, and working at European, national, regional or local level, on issues of common interest linked with the Programme's priorities and objectives. Projects under this measure must target themes of general European interest paying particular attention to the impact of the European policies.
The projects under this measure are expected to include the activities such as conferences; seminars; debates; TV/radio broadcasts; production of audio-visual material; opinion polls; application of new information technologies etc. as well as any other activities providing room for innovation, involving a greater variety of publics, with a clearer dissemination strategy. With a view to enhance more structuring projects, the maximum amount has been increased from 55.000 EUR to 150.000 EUR and the maximum duration of the projects extended from 12 to 18 months. This should allow for more room for innovation, the involvement of a greater variety of publics, and a stronger dissemination strategy.
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